Monday, September 7, 2009

Do-In Massage

Do-In Massage

Do-In: A Self Massage

This is an ancient Chinese technique. Practice this routine daily to stimulate the natural flow of energy within the body and promote well being.

1. Rub hands together in front of face and clap 2 times. Breathe deeply and slowly to massage your own system.

2. Gently shake joints loosely at fingers - wrists - elbows - shoulders.

3. Hold right elbow with left hand - make a loose right fist - keeping wrist loose, gently pound upper left back - shoulder - side of neck. This should feel good and very relaxing.

4. Continue gently pounding down the inside of the left arm and up the outside. Do this 3 times.

5. Pressure Points (on these points - use a gently circular motion) on the arm: 3 mile - front of forearm, below elbow. Lung point - thumb base. HO-KU - between thumb and index finger (large intestines). Palace of Wearines - middle of palm (heart).

6. Rotate thumb - fingers - gently flex wrist – gently shake hand, arm and shoulder.

7. Repeat #3 through 6 reversing side.

8. Gently tap head at spiral with fingertips – then use knuckles. Using fingertips tap: forehead, nose and chin. Gently rub: cheeks and ears. Pinch: ear perimeters and tug on earlobes. Press: boney part behind ear and around the underneath of chin and

jaw. Massage temples gently with the flat part of your fingertips. Check breathing and relax.

9. With both fists: Gently pound chest and abdomen - go down inside and up outside. Gently pound back - go as high as possible onto the rib cage. Be careful to go lightly or skip over kidneys located between the ribs and buttocks. Firmly pound buttocks - remember to keep the wrists loose.

10. With left fist - gently pound down outside of left leg and go up inside. Do 3 times.

11. Bend knee - with thumbs: press middle left calf (Bladder) - exhaling with each press. Do the length of calf 3 times. Loosen calf muscle by gently pounding. Firmly pound left sole and massage foot. Use a comfortable pressure.

12. Pressure Points on leg and foot: buubbling spring: sole of foot (kidney). 2 points: on each side of heel (sex organs). Happy Calm: between big toe and second toe (liver). Yin Crossing: 1st - Inside of leg, little finger on anklebone – 4 finger widths (kidney, spleen, liver). 2nd - 3 finger widths above 1st point (spleen, sexual organs). 3rd - Widest part of calf - inside leg (stomach, liver).

13. Repeat #10 through 12 reversing side.

14. Sit back - Gently bounce legs breatheslowly and deeply. This can be done more than once a day.

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